Credit People Partner 6182663514

What's in collection, stays in collection! Unless you do something about it! Or wait over 7 years.

Collections has the power to collect but not the power to remove that derogatory status off your report that hurts your score even after you pay a full balance. Affiliated with the credit experts at The Credit People. Consultation is free! Soft inquire with results from the 3 credit bureaus, let you know what can be done to improve your credit. There is no catch, no risk, no obligation.

Click to sign up for free consultation or call us.

Facing any of the following challenges? We can help!

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Facing any of the following challenges? We can help!

Collection, derogatory status, chargeoff, foreclosure, bankruptcies, late payments, tax liens, student loans, identity fraud, judgments, repossession, and more...

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